Wednesday, October 30, 2013

~ The Benefits Of Studying Music ~

Music Masters Canada

The study of music has a profound effect on certain areas of the brain, and helps to speed up the development of certain skills, such as language and reasoning, and problem solving.
Learning anything musical takes patience and listening, and in the study of music, you literally fine tune that skill.  How many of us remember taking tests, that if we had listened to the instructions more closely, would have done much better?
Same thing applies to the work place, later in life. And how many of us need to learn greater patience?  Studying music you: get what you put in to it. There is a direct cause and effect relationship.
The satisfaction of knowing that you are improving a skill, is worth it’s weight in gold. When a student looks up and smiles for the first time, after realizing that it’s really working, they are making that beautiful sound, and that they have earned it, is magical. Once that little first moment happens, it’s the love affair that never ends...