Audition Requirements...
- WhereMarquee Studio located at 73 Industrial
Parkway N., Aurora - Description“Hairspray”
Directed by: Martin Buote
Choreographed by: Baiba Senecal
Auditions: December 4 (few more times added) , 5, 6
Callbacks: Sunday Dec. 11th
Where: At the Marquee Studio located at 73 Industrial Parkway N., Aurora
Who: Adult men and women and teenagers who can sing, act and dance. There are no small children in this cast.
Prepare: No a capella auditions so please bring your karaoke track for your chosen song. There is a piano available but no accompanist-should you have someone who can play for you know there is a piano available. Please prepare an up tempo Broadway theatre song and a comedic monologue (memorized). Each person will be given 5 minutes. No reading from the script this time. We will save that for callbacks
There will also be a small group dance audition that is prepared by the choreographer. She will teach it to you and then you perform in in small groups.
What to Wear: Comfortable clothing and running or dance shoes please. No bare feet. No flip flops or tight skirts or pants!!
Rehearsal Dates: Sunday, Tuesday and Thursdays 7-10pm starting January 10th at the Marquee studio in Aurora.
Show Dates: April 18-29th 2012
This is a non-equity, non-paying production.
Call 905-713-1040 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 905-713-1040 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or respond to this email today to book your preferred audition time and date. Please allow an hour for your audition.
~~ Independent Music Professional ~ Music Direction ~ Accompaniment ~ Performance ~ Instruction ~ Piano ~ Keyboard ~ Skype Lessons ~~
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