A Very Special Thank You To ...
The Times Of New Tecumseth & Adjala Tosorontio
The Times Of New Tecumseth & Adjala Tosorontio
For Including Mention Of The "Nunsense" Musical Team!
South Simcoe Theatre’s ‘Nunsense’: laughter heaven sent
With the grace of God seen through the talent of a fantastic cast, Dan Goggin’s ‘Nunsense” took to the South Simcoe Theatre stage and was wreathed in glory, showered with applause, and praised mightily by an enthusiastic audience.
The musical offers song, dance, laughter, and the opportunity to interact with a convent of nuns blessed with creativity, humor, and in desperate need of funds due to a mass disaster. Many in their order have gone before them, en masse, thanks to some tainted soup, and they are left to put together a fundraiser to send them on their way properly, as is their habit.
The spirit leads the sisters to create an entertainment gala featuring ballet, improve, ventriloquism, song and tap dance routines and a chorus line fit for the nunnery, all applauded mightily by the sold out congregation that gathered for the wildly entertaining afternoon.
The Reverend Mother Joanna Megraw gives a commanding performance, focusing her energy on accenting the talents of her sisters. However, her finest hour is revealed in a solo performance when she soars on high in a less than spiritual sense. It is a scene not to be missed.
Sister Robert Anne, aka Annette Derraugh, is best suited sporting the high top running shoes of a streetwise convert. She offers an off-the-cuff rapid fire repartee spiced with charm and wit, beautifully rising to the occasion when she sings and dances her way to the stardom she craves.
Alongside high top sneakers, the multitalented Jocelyn Bertram glides delicately into the ballet slippers of young Sister Mary Leo. Bertram graces the stage with a talent most becoming, and provides a sensitive classical balance to the tap, jazz, and chorus line splendor featured throughout the show.
Sister Mary Hubert-Laura LaChapelle gives a vibrant performance as fun-loving, warm and outgoing nun who can easily forgive the man who named her Hubert. She pairs beautifully in song and dance with Megraw when they find they must account to the health inspector for the whereabouts of four nuns missing since the Last tainted soup Supper. The talk is fast, the dance is quicker, and the excitement grows.
Like David slaying Goliath, Sister Mary Amnesia- Jocelyn Tucker will save the day. Who knew the meekest, sweetest, wide-eyed and wondering-who-she-is character could provide the key to a winning show. Tucker’s enthusiasm on discovering her past is contagious, the audience is caught up in the excitement of her moment, a true joy to witness.
Producer Bernadette Starkey and Director Alan Blenkinsopp are the force that binds this whirl of talent. Kudos goes to Musical Director Brenda McDooling Duce and Musician Emily Morrison who provide the backing for the wonderful show.
Seek ye the way to “Nunsense”, playing till November 18 at Cookstown’s South Simcoe Theatre, and laughter is given unto you. Call for ticket information.
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