Friday, March 25, 2011

~ It All Starts With A Song ~ The Business Of Songwriting ~ SAC

It All Starts With A Song:
Two weeks ago Toronto was THE HUB for musical activity. Every year, Canadian Music Week brings together industry people from across Canada and around the world to talk business and make music...

 "The only trust I can expect is that which I am willing to provide."  ~ Leslie Alexander ~

~ Singer/Songwriter ~ 

Biography:  “Even Dylan would love this,” said View Magazine about music from Leslie Alexander, who grew up on an Alberta sheep farm & couldn't wait to hit the road, make a bunch of mistakes & write songs about them. She wound up singing on a street corner for spare change & does not consider this a mistake...

The S.A.C. Story
The Songwriters Association of Canada (S.A.C.) began in the mid 1980's when a group of songwriters led by Terry McManus were concerned with the lack of input songwriters were having in the music industry, as well as the apparent absence of real copyright registration in Canada. 

With the help of Stephen Stohn (lyricist and lawyer) and esteemed songwriters such as Eddie Schwartz and Rich Dodson, the Songwriters Association of Canada was founded (originally under the name Canadian Songwriters Association).  Gradually the organization has grown from establishing an industry presence to the nurturing of aspiring songwriters including workshops and song review opportunities through song assessments and “Date with a Demo.”  

The S.A.C. also established the “Canadian Song Depository” (now the Song Vault), a Canadian copyright registration service that offers a date and time stamp of songwriters' works.  In addition, the S.A.C. hosts Bluebird North activities across the country bringing together some of Canada's most inspiring songwriters to share their songs and stories.  

Lately, the S.A.C. has been growing in leaps and bounds including the launch of an online Song Assessment service, Song Pitching Service, as well as a host of new workshops and activities that will further engage our community.  We recently relocated to the heart of Toronto's entertainment district on John St.  Now with a membership of 1500 and growing, the S.A.C. continues to be a strong voice for Canadian songwriters...
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