Friday, April 15, 2011

~ In The Key Of Genius ~ Meet Piano Master Derek Paravicini ~

Meet Piano Superstar Derek Paravicini

Derek (b. 1979) is an extraordinarily talented pianist, despite being blind and having severe learning difficulties.  He plays entirely by ear, and has a repertoire of many thousands of pieces that he has memorised - jazz, pop and light classical - and he is a great improviser.  Derek has played in venues across the UK, including Ronnie Scott's and the Barbican Halls in London, in Europe and the U.S. and he has appeared in the news media across the world.

His first commercial CD Echoes of the Sounds to Be is now available for online purchase as well as download, and documentaries about his life have recently aired in the US, the UK, Australia, Germany and numerous other countries.  Derek was taught for many years by Adam Ockelford, Professor of Music at the University of Roehampton (from 29th of October 2007).

In the Key of Genius...

His biography In the Key of Genius, written by his mentor Adam Ockelford, has recently been published by Hutchinson, in the UK, Australia and Canada and is available in bookshops as well as in most online bookstores (now also available in paperback).

60 Minutes

You Raise Me Up
Rhydian Roberts Oxford Town Hall Concert
Keyboard By Derek Paravicini

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